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 - Onair - Jackass

 MTV Schedule:  10:001:00 PM EST

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 MTV2 Schedule: 11:0011:30 AM EST
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Jackass the Movie premieres in theaters on 10.25.02.

Just wait until you see how a bunch of amateurs in the film industry convert a few million dollars worth of bad ideas into 83 minutes of dumb laughs and giggles.

Check out these promos for Jackass The Movie:

  Movie Photos

  "Audience Reaction" Clip

Saddled with childlike wonder and questionable talents ranging from the bizarre to the nonexistent, the cast of Jackass The Movie are, quite simply, modern day heroes for the common man. They didn't ask for this role in life; it's just who they are and what they do on an everyday basis with or without cameras around. Check out who will be making appearances in the movie whether they had planned to or not.

  See The Cast

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An Apetite For Disaster

Yep, not only did we get the greenlight for a Jackass movie, but MTV let us do a bunch of specials to promote the damn thing, too!

  Check the On-Air Schedule

9.22.02 - Jackass Music Video Show
See what happens when Jackass collaborates with Andrew WK on the making of a video for "We Want Fun" at a backwoods wrap party..

9.29.02 - The Making of Jackass the Movie
If you thought the idiocy only happened in front of the camera, think again. Go behind the scenes and marvel at how this film even made it through to completion.

10.13.02 - Jackass Backyard BBQ Movie Special
We invited loads of celebrities to a Jackass BBQ for a preview of the new movie and some actually showed up!

Toys For Bots

If you're feeling a bit lost in life and wondering what you're doing stuck behind a computer, spruce up your virtual world with these Jackass The Movie exclusives.



  Profile Icons

Buy Some Jackass Crap

What would an MTV project be without some merchandising branch attempting to cash in on the craze? However, working in conjunction with the creators and producers, MTV has generated a line of products deemed worthy of the absurd Jackass seal of approval.

  Jackass the Movie Store

More Jackass The Movie

Check out the Jackass The Movie trailer, or for a more irreverent look at the movie, the half-ass production house behind it, and a bunch of other nonsense, log on to the official Jackass The Movie website.

  Watch Jackass the Movie: Official Trailer

  Check out the Jackass the Movie: Official Website



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